2012년 10월 27일 토요일

2012년 내마음의 최고의 드라마 골든타임

그다지 드라마를 챙겨보는 스타일은 아닌데 2012년에는 골든타임(golden time)을 정말 열심히 봤다. 방송사(mbc) 게시판에서의 시청자 의견을 읽기도 했고, 본방송을 보기 위해 방영시간에 맞춰 귀가를 하기도 했다.

방송이 한회 끝날때 마다 각 언론사의 관련 기사를 검색해 보기도 한 드라마이기도 하다. 방송 도중 시즌제에 대한 이야기가 많았는데 시즌2를 볼수 있으면 좋겠다.

<출처 : mbc> 

<출처 : mbc>

<출처 : mbc>

2012년 10월 24일 수요일

Hu Jintao and Younger sister

Hu Jintao and Younger sister

My son is 12 years old and my daughter is 9 years old. They sometimes have good relationship. But nowadays they are at odds about little things. 
There was a small event that my son how thinking about a sister.

My son reads a biography of a great man. He told me that he read Hu Jintao biography. I asked about him. He was so  delighted because father showed  the interest about that man. He started a speaking about Hu Jintao. 

He told about his family.

"Hu Jintao's mother died when he was young. He had two younger sisters."

"Brief to say, He was unhappy than me."
"Even though I have only one younger sister, I have a hard life mentally."
"Unfortunately Hu Jintao had two younger sisters. It was a terribly disaster

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